Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Other Names: Wild Ginger (Java), Temu radish (Madura), Koneng big (Sunda).
Name of plant origin: Curcuma xanthorrhiza.
Foreign name: Java turmeric (UK), Jiang Huang (China), Wan chak mot luk (Thailand), Shu gu jiang huang (China), Kurkum (Arabic), Temu old (Malaysia).
Active compounds
Curcumin, xanthorrhizol, and germakron. Ginger rhizomes contain starch, crude fiber, and essential oils. Essential oils are increasing latex production of bile and suppressed the swelling of tissues in the body.
Benefits of Ginger as Medicine
1. Anticholesterol and Antistroke.
Prof. Dr. Pramono Suwijiyo Apt from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada stated that medicinal plants Curcuma cholesterol powerful to overcome. If cholesterol is reduced, a stroke can be prevented.
2. Hepatoprotektor.
Ginger efficacious in helping to detoxify the liver, protects liver, and increased secretion of bile. In effect, the digestive process to be smooth.
3. Prevent cancer.
Compounds in Curcuma curcumin acts as a potent antioxidant and antitumor neutralize toxins and free radicals, cause cancer.
4. Prevent arthritis (osteoarthritis).
Anti-inflammatory effect of Curcuma curcumin derived from its content.

Wild Ginger People have long used to treat hepatitis, liver inflammation, inflammation of the bile, kidney inflammation, gall stones, poor appetite, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, boost immunity, and lowering high cholesterol. Now, modern research has proved the efficacy of empirical Wild Ginger. Therefore, many modern herbal products that include Wild Ginger in the list of their raw materials, for example, Curcumag capsules, made ​​from Wild Ginger, Turmeric, and Temuputih, are efficacious in helping to maintain digestive health, helping to overcome heartburn, helps increase appetite, maintain health care and clean the blood.


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