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Sabtu, 28 April 2012


This bit of info about the SOLO DANCE 24h 
To commemorate World Dance Day which falls on Sunday, April 29, 2012, approximately 3,000 people in the colossal dance performance titled "Dance Solo 24 Hours".The event was held in a procession along Jalan Slamet Riyadi and ISI Surakarta. The event also featured the five participants who danced for 24 hours starting this morning at 06:00 GMT, Sunday, May 29, 2012.
Committee Chairman Solo Dance 24 hours, Sri Rohana Widyastuti Ningrum, describes the celebration of dance to-6 is held in five points, namely Lodji Gandrung, Solo Grand Mall, Sriwedari, and Solo Square. While at ISI Surakarta event will be held at nine locations.
"At this celebration there are 104 arts groups from across the country, not just from Solo," he told VIVAnews in Loji Gandrung, Solo.
The event entitled "Limits in the Shades of Color hack" was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Fx Rudyatmo Hady, Central Java military commander and police chief in Lodji Gandrung at 08.00. Once opened, the dancer Eko Supriyanto skill performance. Dancer from the dance singer Madonna was offered a rickshaw.
"Dance rickshaw involves 30 dancers with 30 pedicabs. Dance pedicab rickshaw puppets at once launched from Solo," said the dancer who has been involved in the film "Generation Blue" is.
Meanwhile in the ISI, there are five dancers who will dance reliably 24 hours. Among these are two of the ISI, two from ISI Yogyakarta and one guest dancers from Singapore. Among them was Dionysius Rev. Anggoro Mohammed Aji and Hariyanto of ISI Solo, Rizky Al Saddam Saputra and Yuliana Seconda Titasari from ISI Yogyakarta and Norisham Mohammed bin Osman of Singapore.
Head of Culture and Tourism Solo, Widdi Srihanto, add the show Dancing Solo Solo City Government is a routine activity. The event is expected to explore the potential and preserve the culture, especially the art of dance. "Participants in this year's Solo Dance is extraordinary. They come from out of town," he said.

How To Whiten Skin Naturally

Having a clean, white skin is the desire of every person, especially women because white skin is often called ideal. no wonder every day come new ways of skin whitening. Actually not difficult to make your skin white can be done by using natural ingredients with no side effects and the results are certainly more natural. This little step-by-Step How To Whiten Skin Naturally:

 1. Papaya and lime 
Papaya is useful to remove dead skin cells that accumulate the cause of the skin is not bright. Because the papaya contains the enzyme papain useful as an exfoliator that is clean up and remove dead skin cells, which will make your skin smoother, softer and brighter. Papaya also contains vitamin C are useful as anti-oxidants. 

How: Take half a papaya that is still mengkel. grated until soft. Give it a few drops of lime juice that contains vitamin C. Stir until well blended. Then apply to face, neck and entire body you want bleached. Do it once a week for maximum results. 
2. Cucumber and LEMONCucumber is a fruit that has a lot of water content, but no calories so it makes for a refreshing as well as moisturize the skin. Besides cucumber also rich in niacin that could brighten the skin. Then mixed with lemon. 

How: Take half a medium-size fresh cucumber. Grated until smooth and then give as many as 10 drops of lemon drops. Toss well and apply to face, neck and entire body you want bleached. Leave it up to 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do it every day for 1 month, after one month of treatment can be repeated one to two times a month. 
3. YOGURT AND ORANGEYogurt can brighten the skin because yogurt contains vitamin C and B3 are useful to brighten the skin. While oranges are also rich in vitamin C which had always been used to whiten the skin.

 How: Mix two tablespoons of yogurt and eat a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir until well blended. Apply to face and neck as well as the part you want to look bright. Leave it up to 15 minutes. Do it every day for 1 month and see the resultsNote: If the skin you want more enlightened, combine yogurt and lemon reproduced. adapted to the skin that you want treated. It should be noted, too, if your skin is sensitive, use a mixture of yogurt more than usual. Simply drop 5-6 drops of lemon in two tablespoons of yogurt. 
4. HONEY AND LEMONTo maintain a white or lighter skin can use potions made from honey and lemon. Because honey contains niacin and vitamin C is useful to brighten the skin. While lemon is also rich in vitamin C which can improve skin texture. Especially easily sunburned skin.

 How: Mix two tablespoons of honey and lemon juice mixed with the same amount. Mix well and apply to face and neck and skin the other woods. Leave it up to 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do it every day for 1 month. For the treatment can do one or two times a day.
 5. Strowberry AND MILKStrowberry fruit and milk are also useful to brighten the skin naturally and have the content of a very high vitamin C is beneficial to brighten the skin. While antioxidants can prevent the oxidation process that can nourish the skin. Mixed with mineral-rich milk will improve the texture of the skin and nourish the skin so the skin becomes healthier.

 How: Grate 5 strowberri grain and mash to form a little. Pour fresh milk taste. Then apply to face, neck, and whole body. Leave it up to 15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do twice a week until the skin looks brighter.
 6. TOMATO AND OatmealTomatoes can also brighten the skin as well as nourish the skin. Oatmeal mixed with milk and because of rim, this herb makes the skin is not only white but also healthy. In tomatoes contain vitamin C is beneficial to remove dead skin cells. In addition to tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C antioxidant that prevents oxidation process so that the skin becomes healthier. While aotmeal and mineral-rich milk will improve skin texture and reduce black spots.

 How: Take one fresh and ripe tomatoes, then destroy. After that add aotmeal and milk to taste. Stir until mixed with rata.Oleskan to the face, neck and whole body yag want bleached. Let stand for 20 minutes until dry. Wash with cold water. Do it once a week until the skin is bright.

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Cara Memutihkan Kulit Secara Alami

Memiliki kulit yang bersih dan putih merupakan dambaan setiap orang terutama perempuan guys cz  kulit putih sering kali disebut kulit ideal. Ngga’ heran jugak setiap hari muncul cara baru memutihkan kulit. Sebenarnya gaa sulit kok buat kulit ituu, bisa dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan bahan-bahan alami jugak hluu guys tanpa efek samping dan hasilnya tentu lebih alami jugak . Nie ak kasih sedikit Langkah-Langkah Cara Memutihkan Kulit Secara Alami guys :

Pepaya berguna untuk mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati yang menumpuk yang menjadi penyebab kulit tidak cerah. Karena dalam pepaya memiliki kandungan enzim papain yang berguna sebagai eksfoliator yaitu membersihkan kotoran dan mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati, yang akan membuat kulit menjadi lebih halus, lembut dan cerah. Pepaya juga memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang berguna sebagai anti oksidan.

Caranya : Ambil setengah pepaya yang masih mengkel. parut hingga lembut. Berikan beberapa tetesan air jeruk nipis yang memiliki kandungan vitamin C. Aduk hingga tercampur rata. Lalu oleskan ke wajah, leher dan seluruh bagian tubuh yang ingin diputihkan. Lakukan seminggu satu kali agar hasilnya maksimal.

Mentimun merupakan buah yang memiliki banyak kandungan air, namun tidak mengandung kalori sehingga membuat untuk menyegarkan sekaligus melembabkan kulit. Selain itu mentimun juga kaya niacin yang bisa mencerahkan kulit. Lalu dicampur dengan lemon.

Caranya : Ambil setengah buah mentimun segar ukuran sedang. Parut hingga halus lalu berikan tetesan perasan lemon sebanyak 10 tetes. Aduk merata dan oleskan ke wajah, leher dan seluruh bagian tubuh yang ingin diputihkan. Diamkan hingga 15 menit dan bilas hingga bersih. Lakukan setiap hari selama 1 bulan, Setelah satu bulan bisa mengulangi perawatan satu hingga dua kali sebulan.

Yogurt dapat mencerahkan kulit karena yogurt memiliki kandungan vitamin C dan B3 yang berguna untuk mencerahkan kulit. Sementara jeruk juga kaya akan vitamin C yang sejak dulu digunakan untuk memutihkan kulit.

Caranya : Campur dua makan sendok yogurt dan satu sendok makan perasan jeruk. Aduk sampai tercampur rata. Oleskan ke wajah dan leher serta bagian yang ingin terlihat cerah. Diamkan hingga 15 menit. Lakukan setiap hari selama 1 bulan dan lihat hasilnya
Perhatikan : Jika kulit yang ingin dicerahkan lebih banyak, campurkan yogurt dan perasan jeruk diperbanyak. disesuaikan dengan kulit yang yang ingin dirawat. Perlu diperhatikan juga, jika kulit anda sensitif, gunakan yogurt lebih banyak dari campuran biasanya. Cukup teteskan 5-6 tetesan jeruk pada dua sendok yogurt.

Untuk mempertahankan kulit putih atau membuat kulit lebih cerah bisa memakai ramuan yang terbuat dari madu dan lemon. Karena madu memiliki kandungan niacin dan vitamin C yang berguna untuk mencerahkan kulit. Sedangkan lemon juga kaya vitamin C yang bisa memperbaiki tekstur kulit. Terutama kulit yang mudah terbakar matahari.

Caranya : Campurkan dua sendok makan madu dan campur dengan perasan lemon dengan jumlah yang sama. Aduk hingga merata dan oleskan ke wajah dan leher serta bagian kulit lainnnya. Diamkan hingga 15 menit dan bilas hingga bersih. Lakukan setiap hari selama 1 bulan. Untuk perawatan bisa melakukan satu atau dua kali sehari.

Buah strowberry dan susu juga berguna untuk mencerahkan kulit secara alami serta memilki kandungan vitamin C yang sangat tinggi yang bermanfaat untuk mencerahkan kulit. Sedangkan antioksidannya bisa mencegah proses oksidasi yang dapat menyehatkan kulit. Dicampurkan dengan susu yang kaya mineral akan menyempurnakan tekstur kulit serta menutrisi kulit sehingga kulit menjadi lebih sehat.

Caranya : Parut 5 butir strowberri dan hancurkan hingga berbentuk kecil. Tuangkan susu segar secukupnya. Lalu oleskan ke wajah, leher, dan seluruh tubuh. Diamkan hingga 15 menit dan bilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan dua kali seminggu sampai kulit terlihat cerah.

Tomat dapat juga mencerahkan kulit sekaligus menyehatkan kulit. Dicampur dengan oatmeal dank rim susu, ramuan ini membuat kulit tidak hanya putih tetapi juga sehat. Didalam tomat memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang bermanfaat untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati. Selain vitamin C tomat juga kaya antoksidan yang mencegah proses oksidasi sehingga kulit menjadi lebih sehat. Sedangkan aotmeal dan susu yang kaya mineral akan memperbaiki tekstur kulit dan mengurangi noda-noda hitam.

Caranya : Ambil satu buah tomat segar dan matang, lalu hancurkan. Setelah itu tambahkan aotmeal dan susu secukupnya. Aduk hingga tercampur dengan rata.Oleskan ke wajah, leher dan seluruh tubuh yag ingin diputihkan. Diamkan hingga 20 menit sampai mengering. Cuci dengan air dingin. Lakukan seminggu sekali sampai kulit cerah.

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